Test Prep
AP Chinese 【Test Prep】
Advanced Placement test prep course offers U.S. high school students enrichment to improve test performance in the exam. Learn live from highly experienced native Chinese teacher who taught students to score a perfect 5 in AP exam.
Sophie Lau
550 USD (550 Points)
(1 Learning point = 1 USD)
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Feature of the Class
Intensive exam preparation of AP Chinese
Taught by experienced teacher
Interactive teaching approaches
Cover all topics in AP Chinese curriculum
Learning Goals
Getting a good grade in AP Chinese examination
10-20 Learners
60 Minutes
Ages 16 - 19
USD 550
5 weeks, twice a week
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Meet Your Teacher
Sophie Lau
Experienced Native-Speaking Mandarin Teacher of 20 years Experience
Sophie was born in China mainland and moved to HK in 1990s, she has extensive experience and successful track records in private tutoring of Mandarin for 20 years, mainly in HK, with some time in UK. She is highly skillful in teaching children of all ages from international schools, universities, also adults wish to learn, many with no experience of the Chinese language. Sophie has achieved considerable success in bringing students to high levels of fluency and in having her students achieve top standards in internally recognized examinations for Mandarin. Sophie graduated from China North East Normal University with a BA degree in Teaching and Education. After graduation and in early years of her career, she was appointed as a class teacher at a leading secondary school in North China.
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Content Details
About This Course
AP (Advanced Placement) Chinese Test Prep course helps US high school students who aim at getting a good grade in AP exam. Interactive teaching approaches are used in this course to motivate students' learning of a new language. The course is taught by highly experienced and certified native speaking teacher with track record of teaching students to score 5 on AP test. Students are expected to improve the performance after this bootcamp
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Course Break-Down
Unit 1: Introduction Unit 2: Appearance and personality Unit 3: School subjects Unit 4: Facilities Unit 5: Inter-personal relationship Unit 6: Food and health Unit 7: Tourism Unit 8: Media / Social media Unit 9: Environment Unit 10: Technology
Learner Level Prerequisites / Time Expectation / Class Tool
Adequate Chinese Mandarin Background
Teaching Materials Provided
Assignment will be provided in each session.
Skills Acquired
World Languages